Sunday, September 27, 2009

CCIE Agent Economic Stimulus

Here are some good news for you guys and girls who want to do the Cisco 360 program. This just came in from my chief, Eman.



Yeah it’s an overused term the whole Economic Stimuli theme, but in some sectors it is working. Take as example the surge in hiring in the USA for Network Engineers we have seen. What has made the Cisco Channel Partner community open up their purses? The answer I think is that money is being spent and spending promotes spending. I am a simple man but I do understand that basic concept. The fact is we have been seeing brisk interviewing and hiring and we are feeling very strong heading into the last quarter of 2009. I will be just as glad to say good bye to 2009 as I was to 2008 even though we are seeing an improvement through end of this year.

CCIE Agent Economic Stimulus for Channel Partners

As the CCIE Agent™ I have enjoyed a lot of success so I am offering clients reduced rates for staffing. What should you care as a CCIE or candidate we represent? Because hiring companies often make a decision on whom they are hiring with the fee they are paying the recruiting company in mind. If the fee adds too much to the bottom line then the candidate could see themselves eliminated. Have you ever been rejected for a role you thought you had in the bag? Think about your agent, what are they charging your prospective employer? I wish I could get all the CCIEs I know who are unemployed new jobs. So to help them we are reducing our fees to prospective employers to 12% with a maximum fee of $10,000. These low rates will help prospective employers make a decision. (contact

CCIE Agent Economic Stimulus for Training

Many phone calls have transpired since my conversations with Learning at Cisco representatives. Since then I have visited with Bruce Caslow and spoken with SkylineATS and Global Knowledge representatives about the program and the pricing. I have been successful in getting CCIE Flyer only discounts for my readers from Micronics and Voice Boot Camp and now I am very pleased to say I have negotiated rates down for 360 program CCIE training. Now I have been told I will see special rates in the $3,000 range for this offering.



Narbik’s special brand of CCIE R&S boot camp training is world renowned as the most effective and comprehensive of its kind. (

Voice Boot Camp

Faisal Khan has now added his name to the list of trainers authorizing me to offer CCIE Flyer only pricing for his world renowned CCIE Voice. (


Narbik and Paul Negron 360 learning provider SkylineATS has begun negotiating with the CCIE Agent to provide the 360 learning program for CCIE in the $3,000 range. There will be a lot more to say about this very soon in the CCIE Flyer! (


There you have it folks. Seems like after the lair of Narbik Kocharians had some juicy news, the CCIE Flyer lair had some juicy news of its own! I am pretty sure the IPExpert and Internetwork Expert team will not be left behind ...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Something Brewing In the Lair of Narbik Kocharians

Yours truly have been donning his Cisco Ninja suit and stalking Narbik Kocharians and after a successful stalking, here's what was found.

Narbik is working on FOUR major projects. Four??? Yes. Four.

Narbik is working hard on getting his troubleshooting workbook for the CCIE R&S track out. If you have purchased his 2.0 workbook, you will see that it is labeled vol 3. This workbook is provided FREE for those of you who had bought his 2.0 workbook. Because of Narbik's high and stringent quality requirements to only release the very best to his students, he will have someone good to help him out so we'll see the surprise soon enough.

Narbik is also working hard on releasing his CCIE SP workbook out. The schedule for his CCIE SP bootcamp will be out soon and will be taught all over the world. If you know the quality of his R&S workbooks then expect the same best work for this track as well.

Don't be surprised if you see Narbik releasing workbooks for the other tracks as well. When I stalked his lair, I happen to see a glimpse of books starting with SE there. SEcurity or does SE means Special Edition? Maybe he has a Special Edition for R&S? Time will tell.

Let us not forget that the OSPF COD is nearing completion (it seriously is almost completed!). If the quality is the same like how we experience for the free OSPF Filtering sample we saw, then I believe we will be blown wide open with the quality of the CoD videos.

Last but not least, before I left Narbik's lair, I heard him snoring about finishing editing the CCIE Written Exam Certification Guide 4th Edition which is due out in October 2009. Hence I believe Narbik will now turn his energy when he wakes up to releasing some of the stuff that I mentioned above.

I would have stayed longer at Narbik's lair but you see he has this sweet lady named Janet who patrols the lair for pesky intruders so I don't want to get caught. You know how it is when you are caught spying on people. Hence I left after about 3-5 minutes.

There you have it folks. Fresh news from Narbik's lair. Remember you heard it here FIRST. Please also remember one thing. Again I would like to remind you that Narbik is a ONE-MAN army. He works alone most of the time on releasing his workbooks and also teach classes. We have 24 hours in a day so if you get a slow reply or no reply from Narbik, you could perhaps try again in 4-5 days. He receives tonnes of mails last I heard so it's already tough filtering mails from us and also requests on getting him to appear on the David Letterman show.

As per popular request, I have included the .NET file on the topology for Narbik's workbooks which can be found at this RapidShare link. I have also included a link to his OSPF CoD since I had requests on this from a couple of people who visited my blog. His CoD can be found at this RapidShare link.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

CCIE Flyer September 2009 Edition

The CCIE Flyer September 2009 Edition is now out!!! As usual, it has great content! Get it while it's just out of Eman's oven at

Monday, September 21, 2009

A CCIE Widow's Request

Today I received an e-mail from Eman, my chief at CCIE Flyer. The mail was about a CCIE Widow's request. It is very touching and even though I did not know Dave in person, how his wife, Lee, described about him touched me very much. Time does not wait for us. We must appreciate whatever time we have whether it is for personal stuff, family gatherings, CCIE studies, etc.

A CCIE Widow’s Request

CCIE # 5804 was one of the very few CCIEs in Alaska. I met him at Networkers in 2008 the month before his death. I did not find out about his passing until March of 2009 when a friend and co-worker sent me a message about him after seeing his picture on my blog. I had exchanged emails with him prior to Cisco Live 2008 so when we met I was pleased to make the acquaintance of one of only 4 CCIEs in Alaska that I knew of. After Cisco shut down the NASCAR Grille CCIE party, I hosted a bunch of CCIEs at the Hard Rock Café near there at Universal Studios Orlando. The band Modest Mouse was just finishing their last set for the night and we had a few beers together along with seven or eight other CCIEs. The other guys were from Holland, Texas and a few other places. But Dave and I talked a lot that evening and I am happy now, looking back that I had that chance.

At the end of August 2009 I received this email from Lee Gahm, Dave’s wife;

Dear Eman,

My name is Lee, I am Dave's wife. Tonight I spoke with his parents and they told me about what you had written and I looked it up. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to share your kind words about Dave. The proudest day in his life was when he passed his CCIE test. Actually we were all very proud. Dave LOVED his job and by what I could tell he was very good at it. I miss the middle of the night calls from his work..I never understood a single word he said but I was always impressed. His trips to those conventions were always important to him. He was proud to be a "techno geek". He was looking forward to the next CCIE gathering as he was going to speak.

I am not ready yet but I will be putting together a memory book for Abby. I would be grateful if you and some of the others would share some of your memories or stories about Dave with me. If you have any other pictures too, I would love to have them. I know his parents would like to see them also.

He truly was doing something that he loved. I was so fortunate to speak to him the night before and could hear the happiness in his voice.


So I am posting this so that anyone who knew CCIE # 5804, Dave Gahm will share in photos or in writing their experiences with Dave. CCIEs have a way of influencing others across borders so I am happy to help Mrs. Gahm and Dave’s parents in gathering what I can through this medium Dave loved so much.

If you have anything you would like to share about Dave Gahm please respond to



So if you guys know or have any memories with Dave whether in words or in pictures, please contact Eman. This means a lot to Dave's wife so let's try and do what we can to ease her pain.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Narbik Kocharians's Advanced CCIE Routing & Switching 2.0 Workbooks FINALLY OUT

The wait is over. For those of you who have been waiting and asking when these great workbooks will be relased hear me out! Narbik Kocharians's excellent Advanced CCIE Routing and Switching 2.0 workbook is FINALLY OUT! You can purchase them at Narbik's website at You should see a banner there informing you of the workbook but if not try clicking on this direct link -->

I can't wait to get my hands on these! As previously said, Narbik will dismantle you with his labs so I would like to see the newly content added to his workbooks will do the same. At this rate of dismantling, it's a wonder how I can still type with my fingers intact ...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Internetwork Expert's CCNA Audio Bootcamp

It's rare that you will see postings on CCNA products on a CCIE blog but hey I am one of those 'rare' people then. Internetwork Expert has released a few CCNA-related audio files. The CCNA Audio Bootcamp files are located at These audio files are done by Anthony Sequiera and they serve as a warm-up to your CCIE studies.

I personally find them entertaining. However please bear in mind that if you are well into your CCIE preparation, you will find that these subjects are at CCNA-level and touches the surface only. Still it is fun to listen to them and then wonder "yeah but there's more to that" and indirectly, you 'force' yourself into thinking more of the technology that was said on the audio.

My CCIE Written Exam (Beta) 351-001 v4.0 is at this coming Wednesday, 9th September 2009 so wish me luck. I have the mentality that IF I fail this exam, I am going to resit it again in due course. This however will not prevent me from preparing for the lab. I am feeling nervous at this point of time. I don't know whether it's because I feel unprepared or just the normal 'exam' feeling. I hope I don't do something stupid like send a mail to my boss and say "Wassup dawg?"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Narbik Kocharians's Advanced CCIE Routing & Switching 2.0 Workbooks Update #3

In case some of you have given up on seeing the v2.0 workbooks and CoD series from Narbik Kocharians, don't give up. Here is the latest update from Narbik and it's fresh from the oven mind you :-).


To All,
Man what a week...... On Saturday morning i had a small procedure (surgery) which turned out to be fine (Thank god), my family and my doctor were worried, so i had to cancel the Dubai Boot Camp, Doc told me to take 4 days off and it should be good as gold.
I thought to myself well....I will use the time to finish off my COD and the 2.0 work book, but guess what......The freaking fires in LA (La Crescenta and La Canada hills) which is where i live, forced us to evacuate twice.
I am hoping things will settle down by tomorrow so i can finish the work book and the COD before i fly to London for a boot camp.
Sorry everyone, it was out of my control. It should be done very soon (With my luck, earthquake is next). My neighbors tell me to shut up whenever i mention earthquake, hahahahaha you have to laugh, you can't take this 2 seriously, its funny, mate its all funny.....

Narbik Kocharians
CCSI#30832, CCIE# 12410 (R&S, SP, Security)
Sr. Technical Instructor
