At CCIE Agent, Limited we believe that employers are paying too much for recruiting CCIEs. So the reason we have been charging the lowest fees in the industry is to help CCIEs with their careers. We have been very fortunate to have developed the largest network of CCIEs outside of Cisco Systems. How this was done is simple. Some good people doing good things for the CCIE community have been the key to our success. There have been countless instances of support of CCIEs in times of trouble or in need of help who have turned the name Eman into a name synonymous with CCIE careers. There has been CCIE Number association help, CCIE hostage support, CCIE mixers, Cisco Network Academy presentations, Cisco HR Talent Program presentations (where educating the hiring companies on the care and feeding of CCIEs is discussed), even the weird CCIE stuff and of course this CCIE sale!
No hiring manager should ever pay more than $10,000 as a fee for recruiting CCIEs. As part of the Cisco SRS program our fees have been advertised through the Cisco Partner Talent Portal at 18%. This reduced rate has been in place as part of the program that presents the best in class recruiting agencies to the Cisco resellers. Still whenever they call we have been offering much better pricing options. Since we find our services in great demand we have been offering better rates for over two years. So we start offering our fees at 12% for general placement and CCIE recruitment and for those clients looking for a better price we have a $10k cap. So do the math 20% from the competition or $10k? An average CCIE salary is just over $120k per year so the question is, why pay $24,000 when $10k is better? The network of CCIE we have developed now exceeds 12,000 globally and growing every day. We have already done the work of attracting the best in the industry and specialize in the, “Passive Candidate” not found on the boards or job sites and we have a, “No Poaching” commitment with Cisco Systems as part of the SRS program agreement. This is why a hiring manager should care about who they work with but why should a CCIE care?
Why should you care if you are a CCIE? Well some employers will take the cost of the recruitment fee right out of your first year salary. It’s true when you get contacted by a recruiter that has found you on the ether and they are trying to sell you on their great recruiting skills ask them what they charge their clients. Nothing is off limits today so make sure you take this into consideration when allowing anyone to have access to your resume. Beware of automated sites where you blindly submit your resume for a posting this is a good way of losing control of your resume and you could bump into it where you least expect to, like your current employer! Since everyone is trying now to recruit CCIEs it is hard to distinguish the good guys from the bad. “Eman is still the only global CCIE Recruiter promoted by the Worldwide Channels of Cisco Systems and the SRS Program.”
Eman is personally responsible for many Cisco resellers achieving Solver and Gold reseller status through the placement of the key resources they need, CCIEs. So if you are a CCIE, future CCIE or hiring manager interested in finding a CCIE with a free CCIE number give Eman a call 302-438-1681 or email me
If you are a CCIE and want to spend some time discussing that career you have spent so much money and time on call Eman at 302-438-1681 or email me Don’t be fooled by imitators there is only one CCIE Agent and that is Eman!