Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lunar New Year and some tidbits ...

Happy Lunar New Year to those who are celebrating it. I still have one more day here in the land of "hard to get Internet for me since I don't have a ADSL signal at my hometown" but after getting access from a 'friend' here, checked a few of the hundreds of my personal and work mails, one mail caught my attention. I have received news that Joshua Atterbury, a fellow CCIE candidate (now a holder no longer a candidate ;-)) has passed his CCIE in R&S!

Please head over to and congratulate him and you can send me free beer if you like to celebrate with him :-).

Also CCIE Flyer January 2009 edition is now out. Get it at and read up on the many interesting articles there. Feel free to comment on my article if you liked/disliked it and how I can improve on my probably lame writing skills :-)

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