Thursday, December 31, 2009

Epilogue of 2009

What a year this has been! Economy turmoil still very much alive and the after effects still felt until this very day, the H1N1 virus rampaging all around the world causing WHO to put the most serious threat level 6 mark on it, earthquakes happening here and there especially in Japan and Taiwan, elusive murderer Ishihashi was finally captured, etc.

I am glad that 2009 will be over pretty soon in a couple of hours to be exact if you are on the GMT +8 timezone. Let's hope that 2010 will bring us good news and better prospects this time. I for once am looking for major positive changes in my life in the year 2010 and that includes my still yet to end journey to the top of the CCIE mountain. Hopefully with help from people like Narbik Kocharians, IPExpert and Internetwork Expert, I may one day see the light at the end of the tunnel (if I managed to focus and stop my nonsense on IM sites ;-)). We'll see ...

With that, I am a much bigger, badder, more focused and an extreme opportunist for the year 2010. The picture above tells it all.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

So What's Happening with Narbik Kocharians?

Narbik Kocharians have been pretty quiet nowadays. Just a few posts here and there on GroupStudy and *poof* he disappears using his CCIE jutsu skills. However, I was lucky enough to catch him at the right moment today and brought him back to my lair for questioning. Here is what I have found so far before he managed to 'escape' me again.

Narbik locked himself for the past week or so and he has just finished his 4th troubleshooting lab and the boot camp 2.0 work book for the CCIE R&S track.

He is almost done with the CCIE SP workbook.

He is also almost done with the CCIE Security workbook.

He will finish the OSPF route filtering in the next two days (by this I assume it's the VoD).

I am assured that what he says is NOT I repeat NOT vapourware. He can be a little lagging sometimes in mails/schedules but we all need to remember he is a one-man army. Looks like 2010 is bringing in good stuff to all of us already :-).

Let's hope the other vendors have some juicy details to share with us for 2010 as well!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All :-)

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May our kind friendship continue into the year 2010. Best wishes and lots of love. Sounds cheesy for a StormTrooper? Probably I should just blast anyone who says that with my resin blaster >:-).

I am now starting to get into broadcasting live whenever I have the free time (getting time off from studies/my other tonne of hobbies) and when the mood is right. I will be broadcasting about my life hence the broadcast title "The Way Life Is". If you are interested to see what I have been doing or what life in Kuala Lumpur is really all about instead of relying on edited videos and edited information from the Internet, please feel free to point your browser to Feel free to follow me on UStream as by doing so, you will get updates to what I have in store next. You are MORE THAN WELCOME to suggest what you would like to see (no nudity or profanity). Just comment on this post or drop me an e-mail. Thanks!

The next live streaming will be on a typical Malaysian Chinese Wedding (lunch) this 26th December 2009 which will be broadcast at 1315/1330hrs (GMT +8).

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

CCIE Flyer December 2009 Edition

Hot from the oven, CCIE Flyer December 2009 Edition is out! Get it at the usual place, oh and notice the upper right hand corner of the cover page when you visit the site :-).

My CCIE studies have been slowing down partly due to the festive seasons and wife needs some Christmas attention. Speaking of which I gotten myself an Alfa AWUS036H high-powered wireless USB adapter. Now it works perfectly with Linux and it supports packet injection. Now tell me what am I going to do with this? *grins*

Monday, December 7, 2009

CCIE Flyer November 2009 Edition

CCIE Flyer has been out for quite some time at This month, I did not submit an article partly because I was not pleased with the way I wrote. Well, we'll see what I have in store for December's issue and as a hint, it has something to do with Starwars :P.

Other than that, this month I sidetracked a little from my CCIE studies and did a CISSP training. It was kinda fun to see how ISC2 sees a perfect world with its exam versus real life scenarios. I do hope to pass the CISSP at one point since security is my first love and the very reason why I started on Linux back in 1997. Maybe I should put CISSP as a New Year Resolution for 2010? Choices choices ...