Monday, August 24, 2009

StormTrooper Headache

I am sitting for my CCIE written very soon. With so much information on the new blueprint (this is not to say that the current 3.0 version has little information), I am finding myself having more headaches trying to really understand and grasp the technologies being outlined. Hence at this point of writing, I have "StormTrooper Headache" syndrome :-)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Narbik Kocharians's Advanced CCIE Routing & Switching 2.0 Workbooks Update #2

I just woke up, my iPhone beeped telling me of e-mails from GS and one particular mail caught my attention and here's the mail.

From Narbik Kocharians's own words in Group Study,

*Advanced CCIE R&S Work Book* - Version 1.0 is the OLD "Advanced CCIE R&S Work Book" and its been sold for $150. There will be no updates to this work book.

*Soup-To-Nuts*, this work book was what the students used to get when they signed up for a boot camp. Basically it prepared the students for the BOOT CAMP and NOT the lab. This work book is being sold for $35.

*Foundation 2.0* - This work book replaced the old soup-to-nuts, and when you register for a boot camp, you will get an E-copy of this work book, its designed to prepare you for the boot camp ONLY. Its being sold for $100.

*Advanced CCIE R&S Work Book 2.0* - This work book covers everything in the currect version of CCIE R&S + version 4, which is the new version of the test that will be enforced starting Oct 18th. This work book will be sold for $350, and covers things like LDP/MPLS L3VPNs, an updated section of IPv6 to include Eigrp, OER, and many more. This work book is almost finished and should be ready for purchase starting Monday 24th.

*Boot Camp 2.0* - A work book that will be ready by Oct, this work book can NOT be purchased, you can ONLY get this work Book if you attend a boot camp, it contains some serious labs on all the items and i mean on ALL items in the blue print.

*The SP work book* - This work book is finished but i need to go through it one more time to see and fix the typos and add more explanation. Real quality work book, probably the BEST one for SP.

*The Class On Demand series* - The OSPF Filtering is already added and you can download the FREE sample from the website and the complete version of this product can be purchased for $50, i will be adding more CoDs to the list, my goal is to have a complete selection of R&S, SP, Voice and Security. We will be adding things like CCNA, CCNP, CCSP, CCIP, CCVP stuff there as well.

I hope i answered all questions. Once again i am very sensitive to people's money, i WILL NOT PUSH THE PRICES HIGHER, but the quality will be the BEST I CAN PRIVIDE, as far as content, it will be the most complete CoD.

Narbik Kocharians
CCSI#30832, CCIE# 12410 (R&S, SP, Security)


That's a huge update if you ask me :-). Narbik now is finally going to offer a whole range of CoDs and also his updated 2.0 workbooks. With his outstanding bootcamp, I'll say things are going to get pretty interesting in the CCIE world.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

CCIE Flyer August 2009 Edition

Hot from the stove, the CCIE Flyer August 2009 Edition is out. Get it at and share it around!

Narbik Kocharians's Advanced CCIE Routing & Switching 2.0 Workbooks Update

If you are interested in Narbik Kocharians's Advanced CCIE Routing & Switching 2.0 workbooks like the millions of us, this is his latest update from GroupStudy (barely 10 minutes after he posted).

In Narbik's own words,

"It should be any day now, i am sorry, one thing i have not learned in 32 years is to delegate, and i hate to sell a product that i don't believe in, so i like to do my best in every product that i put my name on. So please hang in there another 2 - 3 days and hopefully it will all be done.

I just finished a Cisco Press Tech Editing project
I am working on my Class on Demand for R&S
I am working on my new 2.0 Boot Camp lab work book, which should be done before Oct (Surprise Surprise, you can only get this work book if you attend a boot camp).
I am working on the SP work book. etc etc etc etc NOT to mention teaching classes.......

The price for "*Advanced CCIE R&S 2.0*" will be $350. But i promise that it
will be the BEST of the BEST. This is a promise from me to all and you can
count on it.
The upgrade is ONLY available to our OLD STUDENTS, and NOT new ones and it
will cost the OLD students $175.


So there you have it folks. A little patience will go a long way :-)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eman - CCIE Amnesty Update

An update on what Eman has been doing on the CCIE Amnesty Program.

CCIE Amnesty Update

Going into the second month of this effort to help CCIEs regain control of their numbers I am reminded of the old McDonalds when I was a kid. The sign that was a part of the original “Golden Arches” used to say “Thousands Served”, an indication that thousands of burgers had been purchased. Today the sign say “Millions and Millions Served”. I would like to hang up a sign for CCIE Amnesty saying hundreds saved! But the truth is only six CCIEs have had their numbers disassociated from channels because of the work Monica (my best friend at Cisco) and I have been doing. I have received several dozen requests for help or clarification about the associations of some CCIEs and I have even been called by competing recruiters who were poaching CCIEs from one channel for another. I am pleased that in the first month we have been able to help CCIEs internationally regain control of their numbers. The work and investment in earning a CCIE is an investment worth protecting.

The second month of the effort by Monica (my best friend at Cisco) and me we are hoping to spread the word even farther. There has been a lot of interest in this effort and some negative but the good work continues.

Here’s our plan, for the next 90 60 days I am asking any CCIE who is in a situation where their CCIE number is associated with a company they are not really working for to step forward and I will have their number released from that employer with no repercussions or penalties. The company will then have nine months to resolve their need and the CCIE will help another CCIE have a shot at a real job. Think about it, if you have your number associated with a company that needs the number you are taking a job away from another CCIE who needs a job.

How to proceed.

Send me an email and I will call you to begin the process. I will keep you out of hot water and help the channel partner replace you with a real CCIE to join their staff. If you are the victim of a channel that is holding your number against your will I will help release your number also without reprisals to the channel partner in question.

I only asked for 90 days from Monica (my best friend at Cisco) if yopu have questions or want to discuss this effort I am always available to answer questions.


Monica Cojocneanu leads Cisco’s Worldwide Certification Program and strategy that is widely recognized as leading the industry. More than 80 percent of Cisco products and services are sold through channel partners, systems integrators, value-added resellers, distributors, and others whose innovative solutions based on Cisco products and services extend the reach of Cisco’s sales and services organizations around the world. The Cisco certification program strategy is to increase profitable growth for partners and build partner capability to accelerate marketplace adoption of solutions based on Cisco advanced and emerging technologies. Monica is a 8 years Cisco veteran, previously worked in the Customer Advocacy where she was responsible for defining the first generation of Cisco Advanced Services.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Narbik Kocharians's Class-on-Demand Sample

Narbik Kocharians has just released a sample of his CoD via a link on GroupStudy recently (yes I know GS can be a clowning place at times). Now I have to say that after attending his CCIE bootcamp in June 2009, I was expecting the same ol' Narbik albeit in a digital form teaching us the technologies of the CCIE blueprint in the same sharp-witted and very easy-to-understand approach.

I was not disappointed. The sample was on OSPF filtering and if you have never attended any of his bootcamps, there is a possibility you will find that OSPF filtering is confusing and perhaps difficult. Now Narbik does not don his 007 suit and explain to you in a vague way or in a too jokeful manner. Instead he explains it in a very concise, straight-forward and best of all in simple English.

I will not describe on how he taught in this sample video because my words alone will not do any justice to this outstanding video sample but please do yourself a favour. Again, as in previous blog entries, if you are dead serious on earning your CCIE certification and if the opportunity arises, have Narbik's materials/bootcamp on top of your list.

I have included the link here after getting permission from the man himself, so please feel free to download it and comment here if you like :-). It's in mp4 by the way and VLC plays it just fine.

You will probably need 7-Zip if you don't have it already installed on your system. You can get 7-Zip at

If you have already seen this sample video, then you will see how Narbik makes it ridiculously easy for you when it comes to OSPF filtering. I know it's easy because I have it at the back of my hand now ;-).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

CCIE Amnesty Program Updated

There seems to be some 'drama' happening at NetworkWorld where Brad Reese has openly declared that there is no such thing as a CCIE Amnesty program. The page which can be found at with 4 pages of comments at this point of writing shows to how a big organization such as Cisco can have multiple news.

Now if you have been following the drama, or if you have been following my blog, you know I write for the CCIE Flyer so some of you might say that "Nickelby is now an attention whore and he will definitely support Eman bla bla bla". Let me tell you this straight in the face. I am a person of my own opinion. In other words, I do not let people and especially the media sway me away from my own opinions. Period.

What I can say is this. I have seen the response from Cisco (ok part of Cisco since John Chambers for some reason refuses to answer my mail to play 'PONG' on the Internet ;-)) clearly states that there is a CCIE Amnesty Program existing. Eman started this initiative because he knew from experiences that a lot of CCIEs were not aware of making the mistake of renting out their certs to 'employers' whom they are not working with for various reasons. Those reasons can simply be that their current employers do not need CCIEs like yours truly ;-).

For those who are bashing Eman simply for this effort, ask yourselves this. If you were ignorant enough to rent out your cert to a third party only to realise that mistake later and found out that if Cisco catches you doing so, you will be banned and stripped off your CCIE title, how would you feel? You would feel that you need a second chance right? The CCIE Amnesty Program is just that. A second chance. A second life for those who makes mistakes in the CCIE world. Do not come BS-ing to me saying that you will not be that stupid to make such a mistake. We are all humans. At one point of time, we will make a mistake and during that time, the words "Please Give Me A Chance" will start appearing in your mind.

For those of you who works in big organizations and when I mean big I really do mean big, you will know that certain projects especially sensitive ones or still in a "proof-of-concept" stage that happens will not be official until you can get the whole board of directors to sanction it. PR on the other hand always tries to do a good job by masking sensitive stuff until it is proven to be beneficial and/or profitable to the organization. Admit it PR people, that's your job. Brad gotten his news from the PR department of Cisco. It is true that the PR's job is to secure and protect Cisco's assets and in this case, the CCIE comes in play.

But ask yourselves this, ask a PR about the workings of EIGRP and he will tell you that it's a Cisco propriety protocol, bla, bla, bla. Ask an engineer about EIGRP and he will go about how to configure it, optimize it, bla, bla, bla. Ask a sales person about EIGRP and he will go, it is the fastest protocol and it will make your network fast, bla, bla, bla. Ask me and I will say it stands for Eh I Got Round Penis.

Moral of the story? Everyone has an opinion about something. Everyone has facts and proof on something (ok maybe I don't have a round penis but we'll leave that to another day). The thing is Eman is coming from a different direction working with Monica on this CCIE Amnesty program. I have seen this response and I can vouch that it is real. Brad on the other hand just fires an email to PR asking whether such a thing exists and of course, PR not knowing anything about it yet will probably do the smart thing which is to deny.

Eman started something to help the CCIEs out of their predicament. Brad refuses to acknowledge that and instead put up a blog post on how 'untrue' this is. If you were a CCIE candidate or a CCIE, who will you prefer to be on your side. Someone who cares and tries to protect your hard-earned CCIE from being killed just because you did something that you were not aware of OR someone who questions your intellectual ability when you make mistakes? You decide which pill you want to take.

By the way, from the Internet, I look up on the word amnesty and from

1. a general pardon for offenses, esp. political offenses, against a government, often granted before any trial or conviction.
2. Law. an act of forgiveness for past offenses, esp. to a class of persons as a whole.
3. a forgetting or overlooking of any past offense.

There are THREE definitions to it so it can be any one of them. So why is someone yapping about the word amnesty referring to the definition "An undertaking by the authorities to take no action against specified offenses or offenders." ? That definition is one of the many definitions I believe he saw on the dictionary. You need to look at the entire context before making a claim. I rest my case.